A Skincare Routine for When You're Feeling Lazy

Speaking as an esthetician, of course, it would be ideal for all of us to be consistent with our morning and night skincare routines where all the correct cleansers, toners, serums, and moisturizers are used. But that’s not totally realistic, is it? I think everyone has one of those moments where you think “oh man I really don’t feel up to doing my skincare right now.” this even happens to the most disciplined people. In these moments I recommend taking a couple of very quick and easy steps to clean and refresh your skin instead of skipping your routine fully.

So while I encourage you to aim for being consistent with your daily AM and PM skincare routines I wanted to share these tips for the times when you are just feeling like you are too tired or unmotivated to do all your skincare. This quick and easy oil cleanse + hydrating mist routine I’m detailing below is something I opt for a couple of times a month instead of my usual nighttime skincare.

scrub me secret: One of the skincare tips I preach the most because it really really matters is that consistency is key when trying to achieve the goal of healthy, clear skin. This is why it’s better to do at least a little something to cleanse, balance, & support your skin’s health instead of just skipping your skincare when you don’t feel like putting in all the effort. Little things like this lead to your best possible skin.

A nighttime skincare routine that’s QUICK and easy:

Thinking about skipping your nighttime skincare and heading straight to bed? Don’t do it! This skincare routine takes about 2 minutes. Your skin will thank you for it 🙏🏽

Step 1 - Oil cleanse

Take your facial oil or cleansing balm and apply it to your face using clean hands. Gently rub this product over your entire face and neck using small circular motions. If you’re wearing mascara, go over your lashes with this oil cleanse as well. Do this for about 60 seconds. Then take a damp cloth, cotton pad, or bamboo facial cloth and wipe away all the oil and everything else that comes with it.

Why this works: Oil attracts unwanted surface oils on your skin and breaks down debris like dirt, makeup, and sweat. Doing an oil cleanse will ensure you’re removing all the impurities from your skin’s surface and pores and leave you with a MUCH cleaner face. Cleansing with your regular cleanser can disrupt the balance in the skin’s barrier, that’s why it’s best to follow up a typical cleanse with toner, serums, and moisturizer. An oil cleanse is better when you’re looking for fewer steps.

scrub me secret: oily, congested, and skin types with acne should not be scared of this oil cleansing method! As long as you’re using the right facial oil (you can learn more about that here) oil cleansing will not cause further breakouts. It’s actually a great way to remove pore-clogging debris and excess oil without unbalancing your skin.

Step 2 - Mist face with a hydrating or astringent facial mist

Now take your favorite hydrating facial mist (I like rose water and Josh Rosebrook hydration mist) and mist your face, fully saturating your skin. If you have a skin type with a lot of oil production you might choose a facial mist with some astringent benefits to refresh your skin. I really like this Pholk lemon balm mist, it has some oil control properties but also soothing aloe. I like a facial mist best for this step because it’s really easy and effective. Saturate your skin with the mist and let soak into your skin as you head off to bed!

Why this works: Giving your skin this little burst of hydration and nutrients will ensure your skin’s barrier is happy and healthy. Because of this, pores stay their tightest size possible, sensitivities and surprise breakouts are minimized, and your AM skincare products will really work their best.

When you wake up in the morning you will fully cleanse your face with your facial wash and follow with hydrating mist, serums, moisturizer, and SPF.

A morning skincare routine that’s QUICK and easy:

Thinking about skipping your skincare before you get your day started? Instead of doing that, take a couple quick minutes for a skincare routine that will benefit your skin.✨

scrub me secret: I started with a nighttime skincare routine for when we feel lazy because I tend to feel less motivated to perform my entire skincare routine when it’s late at night and I’m just ready to go to bed. But everyone is different and has different work schedules! This routine is best when you just need to start your day but don’t have time to do all your skincare.

Step 1 - Use your favorite toner

Take a cotton pad or tissue and apply some toner. Swipe this over your entire face and neck. Normal/dry, dehydrated, and aging skin types do better with toners that provide hydrating benefits. Normal/oily, congested, and acneic skin types benefit more from a toner with a blend of astringent (oil clearing) and nutrient ingredients. I like the Ology Essentials CBD toner for a hydrating product and the PCA nutrient pumpkin wine toner for one with astringent properties.

Why this works: If you’re in a rush, this quick swipe of toner all over your skin will infuse your skin with water, and nutrients, and awaken your cells. You’ll look more luminous and glowy instead of dull or uneven. This step will also prep your skin for the next step, which is the MOST important one.

Step 2 - Apply a facial lotion with SPF

This is an AM skincare routine step that you never want to skip! Sun protection is important for a few reasons; we want to prevent future dark marks, wrinkles, and sagging. Most importantly we want to prevent cancers caused by the sun. Even if you are indoors all day you still catch UV rays from natural light that comes through the windows. Facial lotion with SPF also protects your skin against damage that comes from fluorescent lighting and light that emits from your computer and phone. Products I really like a lot are Joah Rosebrook Nutrient Day Cream and PCA Hydrator Plus.

Why this works: Your skin needs this protection. Going a full day without wearing SPF on your face and neck can lead to skincare problems in the future. Taking the time to make sure you are consistent about daily SPF will prevent your skin from aging rapidly, prevent loss of collagen, and prevent dark spots. Don’t skip this step!

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