De-Puff Your Face: Expert Gua Sha Facial Massage Tutorial for Instant Results

I’m back with more gua sha facial massage tutorials! Gua sha facial massage is something that is worked into my weekly skincare routine; it really helps with the overall clarity of my complexion, contour of my face, and health of my collagen and elastin. Gua sha facial massage is also something that I utilize in most of my treatments at scrub me skin care studio to provide the BEST results for my clients.

This de-puffing gua sha massage is a series of movements that help to unblock, release, and drain stagnant lymph fluid in the face. We start with the release of the neck area to provide drainage for the facial fluids. Then we will work one side of the face at a time. I start on the left side of my face.

scrub me secret: We have lymph nodes and lymph drainage pathways located in our neck that need to be activated in order to have an effective de-puffing facial massage. Do NOT skip the neck release portion of this massage.

This routine will take you about 20 minutes (SO worth it). The first 9 minutes of this video are shown in real-time so you can follow each gua sha move accordingly. It speeds up for the other side of my face. You can perform a gua sha routine like this for yourself once a week or more if you’d like!

scrub me secret: if you feel like you need to learn or brush up on your gua sha basics, like how to prep your skin, what kind of gua sha stone to buy, how to hold the gua sha stone, etc. visit my blog post Gua sha tips for beginners.