Does Drinking Water Help Your Skin? šŸ’§

Weā€™ve heard it from nutritionists, doctors, fitness coaches, beauty bloggers, & skincare experts; ā€œDrink a lot of water!ā€

Hydrating our bodies with the proper amount of water can greatly improve our overall health. But does drinking water make a difference in how our skin looks? The answer is YES! Drinking a good amount of water every day helps flush away lymph fluid that causes puffiness, decreases breakouts, and strengthens skin proteins.

Donā€™t skip over this scrub me secret ā¤µļø Following this tip will help you get the best benefits from your dedication to hydration.

scrub me secret: Hereā€™s a hot tip! drinking your water more slowly can lead to better absorption. Drinking your water at a more relaxed pace throughout the day vs. chugging large amounts will allow your body to absorb more of the hydration rather than let the majority of it pass through the body. Drinking water first thing the morning on an empty stomach is also great for hydration.

4 Ways drinking water helps your skinā€™s health and appearance:

Lessens puffiness in your face.

Stagnant lymph fluid and sodium retention in the body are things that contribute to puffiness around the eyes and face. You can help minimize this facial puffiness by staying properly hydrated throughout the day. Keeping our bodies hydrated with enough water will help excess sodium to flush out of our systems, helping fluid retention to go down. Drinking lots of water every day also helps to keep our lymph fluid moving; this also helps lessen any puffiness we may be experiencing.

scrub me secret: According to the mayo clinic, the adequate amount of daily water intake for women is 2.7 liters and 3.7 liters for men. A 40oz water bottle isnā€™t obnoxiously huge but gives you a great amount of water, and you only have to fill it up a few times a day to get all the water you need.

Detoxes toxins that cause breakouts.

As we discussed above, proper hydration keeps our lymph fluid moving. Lymph fluid is responsible for helping our bodies eliminate toxins; this includes bacteria that contribute to acne and breakouts. Lymph fluid is made up of mostly water so the more water we give to our bodies the better it is for our lymphatic system. When this fluid is moving and functioning properly itā€™s eliminating those toxins we donā€™t want. If we are dehydrated this fluid becomes stagnant and cannot eliminate bacteria and waste. This is especially important for acne-prone skin types!

scrub me secret: more water intake along with a proper skincare routine can help minimize breakouts! but what happens when that inevitable hormonal or stress-induced pimple pops up out of nowhere? My blog post ā€œDonā€™t pop that pimple. Do this instead.ā€ gives my best esthetician tips for getting a breakout to go away fast.

Gives skin a firmer feel.

Our skin is a living organ that is affected by whatā€™s going on inside our bodies. When we donā€™t give our bodies enough water we start to become dehydrated. Internal dehydration will start to affect our skin by making the texture feel tight, rough, stiff, or even cracked in some cases. Our skinā€™s elasticity is improved when we drink enough water. Proper water intake is also said to help increase the oxygen flow in our body which helps keep our collagen and elastin proteins alive. A hydrated body equals firm, bouncy, soft skin.

scrub me secret: do you want to know another drink that contributes to firmer feeling skin? Bovine collagen protein You can find this in beef bone broth or bovine collagen supplements. I like bone broth and Paleo Valley chocolate bone broth protein.

Helps the skin to heal itself more quickly.

Are you having trouble with small cuts, scrapes, or popped pimples healing in a timely manner? This could be a sign that you need to up your water intake! Our bodies rely on hydration and water to function correctly and keep oxygen, blood flow, and lymph moving at a prompt rate. All these things are key when it comes to our bodies being able to heal themselves. Giving your body enough water each day will help it be able to heal those popped pimples, blemishes, or other markings faster.

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scrub me secret: infused water is a great way to make hydrating tasty and fun. You can infuse your water by cutting up some of your favorite fruit or grabbing some berries and tossing them in your water. The longer the fruit or berries sit, the stronger the flavor. I have a recipe on my blog for lingonberry-infused water that is so good for our skin.