My current gua sha face massage routine

Are you looking for a sign to start incorporating more gua sha into your skincare routine? Well, I think this is it! For the past couple of years, I have been really consistent about giving myself a gua sha face massage about once a week. I set aside 15-25 minutes to use a facial oil and a gua sha stone to massage my face using movements I’ve learned through my education and training classes. My current goals are to prevent signs of aging, keep my complexion clear, lift and firm my face/neck, and make sure my skin always looks radiant. I’ve found that having a consistent face massage and skincare routine helps me achieve these goals.

I videoed my current gua sha face massage routine and made it into an easy-to-follow tutorial.  I like to find time either in my AM or PM routine for a gua sha face massage.  You’ll want to cleanse your skin first, then apply facial oil for your gua sha massage.  After the face massage, you can choose to just apply SPF if it is during your AM routine or you can leave your skin be if it’s your PM routine.  You also have the option to remove any excess facial oil with toner or simple rose water, then apply your serums and moisturizer.

scrub me secret: I treat my face massage time like a little luxury.  I fill up my water bottle or make myself a tea I can sip throughout my face massage.  Then, I choose a TV show, music, or podcast to enjoy while I take the extra time to gua sha.  It’s lovely!

Gua sha face massage tutorial

For this video, I kept the full gua sha face massage in real time so you can follow along step-by-step.

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