4 Signs You've Over Exfoliated Your Skin

Over-exfoliated skin is a common issue in my skincare treatment room. When your skin has been over-exfoliated that means it’s been damaged by overuse or incorrect use of skincare products that create cell turnover (see the list below for more details).

Because everyone’s skin is different, signs of over-exfoliation show up in various ways, and someone’s symptoms of over-exfoliation might not be the same as their friend, cousin, co-worker, etc. Furthermore, certain skin types can tolerate more exfoliation and stronger ingredients vs. other skin types. That’s why it can sometimes be difficult to figure out whether you are over-exfoliating your skin.

This blog post will teach you what kinds of products can cause symptoms of over-exfoliation and help you figure out if your skin is suffering from damage from too much exfoliation.

scrub me secret: I think you would be surprised at how little exfoliation I feel is necessary for our skin. if I had 2 new clients come in for facials and one of them said they exfoliated daily while the other stated they only exfoliated once every 2 weeks I am almost 100% certain that the client who exfoliated less often would have healthier skin. when it comes to exfoliation, less is more.

Types of skincare products that are exfoliants - products that cause cell turnover :

  • Products that contain AHAs (glycolic acid, lactic acid, malic acid)

  • Retinoids

  • Salicylic acid

  • Physical scrubs like products with granulated sugar, crushed grapeseed, jojoba beads, and ground coffee

    4 signs of over-exfoliation:

    If you’re using too many exfoliating products, exfoliants that are too strong for your skin, or using these cell turnover products too often then it can result in damaged and over-exfoliated skin. These are 4 signs that indicate your skin may be damaged from too much cell turnover. If you are experiencing one, a couple, or all of these symptoms then it’s probably a sign to rethink your skincare routine and the items in it.

  1. Skin stings when moisturizer or hydrating products are applied

    If your skin feels a stinging or burning sensation when you apply your hydrating serums, moisturizers, or hydration facial masks this is a sign of over-exfoliated or sensitized skin. These are types of products that should feel soothing, hydrating, and comfortable when you apply them to healthy skin. Any type of burning sensation indicates an issue with your skin or the product.

    scrub me secret: In my experience, when our skin is damaged by over-exfoliating I feel an uncomfortable slight burn or tingly sensation when I apply moisturizer. if the problem is a moisturizer that isn’t right for my skin vs. over-exfoliation I’ll feel a more warm and itchy sensation or notice blotchy skin.

  2. Red and uncomfortable feeling skin

    Skin that has an overall red undertone all the time and feels slightly sensitive or tender may be over-exfoliated by over-use of retinoid products, AHAs, and/or salicylic acid. This type of skin issue can also be caused by using a retinol that’s too strong or an AHA that’s too strong. Sometimes if your skin cycling routine is off and you are using too many cell turnover ingredients in one day/week this can happen.

  3. Clusters of small bumps/many little pimples

    Tiny little, red bumps that aren’t pimples but look similar are a sign of a damaged skin barrier. When your skin is damaged and sensitive there is more inflammation, which can trigger these little bumps and small breakouts. I have also seen situations where over-exfoliation has aggravated acne and caused more acne breakouts.

  4. Constant flakiness, dehydrated, chapped skin

    A common misconception is that if your skin is dry and flaky then it needs to be scrubbed or exfoliated in some way. In reality, when your skin is dry and flaky it most likely wants a combination of water-based hydration like products with hyaluronic acid, aloe, rose water, and ceramides plus moisturizing oil-based products like facial balm or oil. If your skin is constantly flaking, dry, and dehydrated you might want to pull back on exfoliation and focus on hydration and moisture.

So I’m sure more than a few of you read this list and identified that your skin is indeed over-exfoliated. Now what? The first step is resetting your barrier and calming your skin by eliminating the use of all your skincare items except for an oil cleanser, gentle cleanser, and moisturizer. Avoiding any exfoliation at all and oil-clearing cleansers is key for letting your barrier repair and reset. As an esthetician, I would recommend sticking to a routine like this for 7-14 days before incorporating products that contain retinol, other retinoids, AHAs, salicylic, or scrubs back into your skincare routine. And when you do start incorporating those items back in you will use them less often or maybe you will decide to not use them at all.

scrub me secret: A hydrating facial mist, hydrosol, or hydrating and calming facial toner is also a product that can help repair, hydrate, and heal your skin. if your skin is damaged, using a product like this daily or twice daily is great.