7 Helpful Gua Sha & Face Massage Tutorial Videos

My blog posts featuring face massage tutorial videos are by far some of my most popular blogs. I often find myself searching through my scrub-me-secrets blog catalog to find certain tutorial videos to share with my friends, facial clients, and peers so they can perform their own face massages at home. I’ve created quite a few tutorial videos over the past couple of years so I thought having a place where all of them can be accessed easily would be an excellent idea. So here they are for all of you to learn and enjoy!✨

The best tutorial video for gua sha beginners

scrub me secret: the key to getting the most visible de-puffing and facial contour results from face massage? always start with the neck and/or under your ears. This opens up pathways for lymph fluid to drain. you’ll learn more about this tip in these blogs for beginners!

How to get the best results from gua sha face massage + gua sha for beginners tutorial video

Massage your face like an expert esthetician

scrub me secret: This is a facial massage routine that takes me 15-20 minutes. I am currently working this face massage into my skincare routine once a week with an exception if my skin is experiencing more than a couple of breakouts. Recently I had a new skincare product cause large clusters of breakouts on my face and in order to get my skin clear again I had to make some adjustments, such as pulling back on face massage for a bit.

My current gua sha face massage routine tutorial

5 more helpful face massage video tutorials

scrub me secret: lymph drainage facial massage is so much more than de-puffing for your face and neck. Lymph drainage can also help clear complexion imperfections like redness, dullness, and splotchiness.

5 Anti-aging gua sha moves you can add to your routine today + tutorial video

Gua sha facial contour massage tutorial

Lymph drainage gua sha face massage tutorial

De-puffing gua sha face massage tutorial

How to best use your stone facial roller or textured roller tutorial

I’ll continue to learn, create, and share all I can! I enjoy face massage so much and the results it gives to our skin. Not only are we receiving these esthetic benefits like wrinkle reducing, lifting, de-puffing, and facial contour but we are also flooding our skin with nutrients, oxygen, and blood flow that our cells need to keep their energy alive. When you massage your face using gua sha, facial roller, your hands, or other facial tools you are truly contributing to your overall skin/body health.