New year, new skincare goals!

We did it! It’s time to wrap up another year🎉 Intense, far-fetched, or crazy challenging New Year’s resolutions are a thing of the past. Let’s be honest, we are all accomplishing so much on a daily basis there’s no need to put any more pressure on ourselves. I think it’s always fun to go into the new year with some achievable, fun, or interesting goals that you will look forward to tackling. You know anything skincare-related has my vote! Here are a few ideas I have for skincare goals for 2022.

Helping you achieve your skincare goals since 2010 ✨

scrub me secret: when entering a new year I also like to write down something that I want to leave behind and not bring with me into the new year. This can be anything from “I’m leaving behind negative self-talk” to “I’m leaving behind my afternoon candy habit”.

New Year’s Resolutions: skincare edition

  • Skincare goal - Learn more about your skincare products.

I’m always preaching the importance of knowing what exactly is in your skincare. Getting familiar with ingredients and what to look out for on product and ingredient labels is really what’s going to take your skincare game to the next level. With this knowledge, you can avoid products that could cause damage or irritation and also avoid products that just won’t work well for you.

These blog posts will be helpful tools to achieve this goal!

Tips to navigating a skincare product label.

scrub me takes you to skincare school.

Tips to optimizing your at-home skincare routine.

Fragrance oil vs. essential oil.

Quiz: are you a skincare product pro?

  • Skincare goal - Take better care of the skin on your body.

For those of us with sensitive skin (that’s me) taking extra care of the skin on our face AND body is really important. If we neglect the skin on our bodies or don’t put any thought into the body products we use we can end with patchy, dry, irritated, uneven textured, or broken out skin. I specifically started creating my own body scrubs way back before I started “scrub me” as a company because I wanted a product that was going to treat my skincare issues for my body. Using well-made body products is going to change your life!

These blog posts will be helpful tools to achieve this goal.

Buff and brighten your body.

My at-home body care routine.

scrub me loves bar soap.

Spa treatments for your body.

  • Skincare goal - Add consistent face massage into your routine.

Looking to achieve some preventative or antiaging goals? Or is your goal to look less puffy and have an overall more even complexion? Face massage is definitely something that can help you to accomplish all of this. I love facial massage for naturally lifting the face & neck, de-puffing the skin, keeping collagen & elastin firm, and helping to even out overall skin tone. With face massage, consistency is so key for getting optimal results. You can both perform facial massage on yourself at home and go visit a professional for a facial massage service.

These blog posts will be helpful tools to achieve this goal!

Let’s try facial gua sha.

25 days of gua sha.

Why I’m into buccal facial massage.

Gua sha facial contour.

Gua sha facial lymph drainage.

A facial at scrub me skin care studio.

Our ways of fighting aging.

  • Skincare goal - Incorporate more vitamins, internally and externally.

Vitamins help our skin shine bright from both the inside and the outside. Serums that contain Vitamin C protect skin from damage and slow the aging process. Skincare products with vitamin A aid in cell turnover for a bright, strong, and smooth complexion.

Internally, when we are receiving a plentiful amount of vitamins via our diet, our skin thanks us by having a clearer complexion and luminous glow! I make sure to make internal and external vitamins a daily habit and I think this contributes a ton to my healthy skin.

These blog posts will be helpful tools to achieve this goal!

Understanding vitamins A, B, & C in skincare.

Infused water recipe for glowing skin.

Plant-based powerhouses.

Smoothies for healthy skin.

6 Superfoods, supplements, and drinks that improve your skin.

Tips for optimizing your at-home skincare routine.

  • Skincare goal - Protect your skin daily from UV and HEV rays.

Daily protection from UV rays from the sun is something that is commonly talked about. And it’s true, yes we do need a daily SPF to protect our skin from damage caused by UVB and UVA rays. These rays from the sun are not all visible and can penetrate through dark clouds and windows. This is why we all need daily sun protection. What we also now need to think about is protection from HEC light. HEV light is high-energy visible light that comes from our laptops, phones, tablets, and fluorescent lighting. Now that more people than ever are working from a computer at home it’s a good time to incorporate HEV blocking products into your life.

These blog posts will be helpful tools to achieve this goal!

7 blue light blocking products for skin and eyes.

Screen time and skin damage.

Protect yourself before you wreck yourself.

Celebrating 10 years as an esthetician with skincare words of wisdom.

  • Skincare goal - Incorporate MORE hydration.

This is a simple, achievable goal that will give your skin a big boost in radiance! When you up your water intake internally it helps your system function and process toxins better. When you incorporate a water-based essence, hydrosol, or hydrating serum into your skincare routine your skin texture and health will benefit. These tips are for all skin types!

These blog posts will be helpful tools to achieve this goal.

The best facial steamer you didn’t know you already had.

Incorporating hydrating toners & hydrosols into your skincare routine.

Easy tips to keeping skin moisturized in winter.

Does drinking water help our skin?

Infused water recipe for glowing skin!

scrub me secret: skincare provides me with lots of joy but I what actually gives me the most joy is seeing all of you achieve your best most radiant skin ever. to know that there are more people walking around feeling glowy and amazing makes me smile.

happy new year!

Katherine M StribakosComment