scrub me's favorite DIY lip scrub & more!
scrub me™ always has your back when it comes to providing amazing lip products. But sometimes you may be out of your precious lip polish, or misplaced your butter balm. Or maybe you're just looking for a fun, easy DIY lip treatment you can do at home! We wanted to share a couple of our favorite lip care recipes you can whip up at home with ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen.
scrub me secret: when formulating treatments and exfoliators for lips there are a lot of different options you can use for oils. for example, since the lips aren't porous they cannot be affected by pore clogging oils like coconut oil. make sure that you keep the treatment strictly on the lip area as to not clog pores on the chin or mouth area.
Best Lip Scrub Recipe:
This exfoliant recipe will transform dry, peeling lips immediately! Brown sugar, lemon, oil (olive, avocado, canola, sunflower, you choose!), and honey create a scrub that will soften, brighten, and heal lips. With simple, safe ingredients it's a great treatment for anyone to try at home. Not to mention it tastes yummy!
What you will need:
small bowl or cup
spoon or stirrer
1 TSP brown sugar
1/4 TSP oil (we used olive oil)
1/4 TSP honey
1/8 TSP lemon juice (just a few drops if you don't want to measure)
Mix all the ingredients together in your small dish until they are fully combined and you have a paste. Over the sink, apply the lip exfoliant with clean hands to the lips. Rub the scrub over the dry skin without using too much pressure, the sugar and lemon will do most of the work for you. Applying too much pressure or scrubbing too hard could damage your thin skin. After a minute or so rinse off the exfoliant and enjoy smooth lips!
scrub me secret: healthy, soft lips benefit from this scrub too. exfoliating healthy, live skin cells can keep skin strong and firm. great for preventing aging.
Homemade Lip Mask:
This one required a little bit of creativity. We wanted our mask to be effective but also use ingredients that are easily found or are already in your pantry. This mask only contains 3 ingredients but has some major healing power. If you do not happen to have any of these items at home they are easily found at your nearest grocery or convenience store. Green tea is important for adding antioxidants to this mask so don't skip it!
What you will need:
Food processor or blender (we used our mini food processor)
small bowl
spoon or stirrer
3 TBS oats
1 packet of green tea or 1 TBS loose leaf green tea
1/4 C solid coconut oil (slightly softened)
First, put the oats into the food processor or blender and blend until you make a powder. Then, if you're using a tea bag, cut the bag open and pour the tea into the oat powder or add your 2 TBS of loose leaf tea. Blend the tea into the oats until it looks like a flour. Some of the tea leaves may still be a little chunky but that's okay. Transfer the mixture to your bowl and add the coconut oil, which should be at room temperature so it's soft but still a solid oil. Mix until you make a paste. Now you have your lip mask! Apply a generous amount to the lips with fingers. The coconut oil will melt upon contact and become clear with flecks of the tea and oats. Let the mask sit for about 5 minutes. Wipe off the mask using a damp washcloth and enjoy your healthy, healed lips! This recipe makes quite a bit of mask so feel free to put it in a small container with a lid and use it whenever!
scrub me secret: if you feel like you have residual oil from the mask sitting on the skin around your lips you can use a witch hazel or astringent toner on a cotton swab to remove the oil. this way your pores won't get clogged.
Lip Plumper (safe & natural)
DIY lip plumping is a bit of a controversial topic in the skin care industry. Lots of at-home lip plumping methods can majorly damage skin, or even cause injury. We don't promote suction type methods where you temporarily bring a lot of blood flow to the surface, creating the plumping effect. These methods can easily be overdone and rupture blood vessels or damage skin tissue. Our method is a safe, fun way to use plant-based products (and a toothbrush) to temporarily plump lips slightly and create a rosy glow.
What you will need:
Toothbrush (preferably new)
Small bowl or cup
Peppermint essential oil
Cinnamon essential oil
1/2 TSP Oil (olive, avocado, jojoba, etc.)
On the left is before treatment and on the right is after brushing lips with solution for 1.5 minutes.
Put your oil in a small dish (we used avocado oil), add 3-4 drops of peppermint essential oil and 1-2 drops cinnamon essential oil. Grab your toothbrush (we like a new one because it's germ-free and you can continue using it for this treatment in the future), dip it in the oil, and mix it around. Then, apply the toothbrush to lips and rub using light to moderate pressure. We don't reccommend using doing this treatment on overly chapped lips as it can cause some irritation. Rub the toothbrush on the skin until you start to see some color rise to the surface. You will be feeling a tingling sensation on your lips. After a minute or 2, you are finished. Rub the remainder of the oil into your lips using your finger and then blot the excess off with a tissue. Your lips will continue to feel a little tingle.
Enjoy these at-home treatments and have fun! Leave a comment in our section below or tag us at @_scrubme on instagram when you give these a try. Happy scrubbing!